- Various industrial machines for different additive manufacturing processes:
- Laser metal deposition (LMD)
- Laser beam melting (LBM) of metals in powder bed.
- 3D laser processing cell for multi-kw welding and cutting applications
- Industrial robots and Multi-axis linear stages
- Marking laser and marking system
- 6-axis micromachining equipment with dynamic beam shaping unit
- Multibeam interference processing station for nanostructuring
Beam Sources:
- Several multi-kW disc lasers ≤8 kW
- Several single mode fiber lasers ≤2 kW
- Direct diode laser 4 kW (prototype)
- KrF excimer laser >100W
- Short pulsed CO2 and solid state laser with >300W power and ns pulse duration
- Ultrashort pulsed lasers systems with <45W average power and pulse durations from 100 fs to 10 ps
Complementary Equipment:
- Metal cutting machine tools for post-processing in the area of Additive Manufacuring
- Matching system technology:
- Various processing optics partly with dynamic beam deflection
- Equipment for beam characterization:
- High-power beam profilers and beam profile cameras
- Wavefront sensors, power meters, auto-correlators etc.
Measuring and Diagnostic Systems:
- SEM with EBSD- and EDX/WDS analytics.
- High-speed cameras with up to 1 MHz acquisition rate.
- Thermal camera und pyrometers
- 3D-Laserscanning microscope
- Micro-hardness analyzer
- Meters to measure infrared absorption
Clinical Photonics Lab:
- UV-VIS-IR spectrometer, spectrophotometer, spectrofluorometer
- High-resolution OCT system
- Workspace according to security level S1 (and S2 if required)
Materialographic Laboratory:
- Sample preparation systems
- Cutting preparation (angle grinder, diamond wire saw, vibratome, microtome)
- Additional equipment for various embedding and etching processes
- Fully and semiautomatic grinding and polishing systems
- Various optical microscopes for microsection analysis
- Brightfield, darkfield, differential interference contrast